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Surge Anticipating Control Valve WW-735-M
The Model 735-M Surge Anticipating Valve is an off-line, hydraulically operated, diaphragm actuated valve. The valve, sensing line pressure, opens in response to the pressure drop associated with abrupt pump stoppage. The pre-opened valve dissipates the returning high pressure wave, eliminating the surge. The Model 735-M smoothly closes drip tight as quickly as the relief feature allows, while preventing closing surge. The valve also relieves excessive system pressure.
- Replaces surge air vessels
- Relieves surge, fail-safe open
- Minimal maintenance
- Economy of space
- Lower investment & maintenance costs
- Especially economic for higher pressure ratings
- Line pressure driven
- Independent operation
- No motor required
- Long term drip tight sealing
- Adjustable hydraulic actuation
- Double chamber
- Moderated valve closing (no surges)
- Protected diaphragm
- In-line serviceable – Easy maintenance
- Obstacle free, full bore – Uncompromising reliability
- Balanced seal disk – High flow capacity
Typical Application
In this system, a pump battery supplies the main line through a manifold. The Model 735-M:
- Eliminates surge upon power failure
- Provides surge free switching between on-duty pumps
- Closes smoothly according to pilot setting