Double chambered, hydraulically operated, active check pump control valve that opens fully or shuts off in response to electric signals. The valve isolates the pump from the system during pump startup and shutdown, thereby preventing pipeline surges. BERMAD 700 SIGMA EN/ES series valves are hydraulic, oblique pattern, globe valves with a raised seat assembly and double chamber unitized actuator, that can be disassembled from the body as a separate integral unit. The valves hydrodynamic body is designed for unobstructed flow path and provides excellent and highly effective modulation capacity for high differential pressure applications. The valves are available in the standard configuration or with an Independent Check Feature code “2S”. The 700 SIGMA EN/ES Valves operate under difficult operation conditions with minimal cavitation and noise. They meet size and dimensions requirements of various standards.
Dֺesigned to – stand up to the toughest conditions
- Excellent anti-cavitation properties
- Wide flow range
- High stability and accuracy
- Drip tight sealing
Dֺouble chamber design
- Moderated valve reaction
- Protected diaphragm
- Optional operation in very low pressure
- Moderated closing curve
Fֺlexible design – Easy addition of features
Oֺbstacle free flow pass
Vֺ-Port Throttling Plug (Optional) – Very stable at low flow
Cֺompatible with various standards
Hֺigh quality materials
Iֺn-line serviceable – Easy maintenance
Iֺndependent check feature- 740-2S
Pֺressure sustaining – 743
Pֺressure reducing – 742
Fֺlow control – 747-U
Pֺump circulation control – 745
Eֺlectronic control – 740-18
Pֺressure sustaining and Pressure reducing – 743-2Q
See relevant BERMAD publication