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Flow Control & Pressure Reducing Valve IR-172-50-3W-Xt

The BERMAD Flow Control and Pressure Reducing Valve is a hydraulically operated, diaphragm actuated control valve that limits system demand to the designed maximum allowed value; reduces downstream pressure to constant preset maximum and shut in respond to hydraulic pressurized command.

Product Features & Benefits

Lֺֺine Pressure Driven Hydraulic Flow Control
■ Limits fill-up rate and consumer over-demand
■ Protects downstream system
■ Adjustable Paddle-Type Hydro-Mechanic Flow Pilot with
no added head loss
■ Easy flow and pressure setting with wide setting range
Eֺֺngineered Plastic Valve with Industrial Grade Design
■ Adaptable on-site to a wide range of end connection
sizes and types
■ Highly durable, chemical & cavitation resistant
hֺֺYflow ‘Y’ Valve Body with “Look Through” Design
■ Ultra-high flow capacity at Low pressure loss
Uֺֺnitized Flexible Super Travel Diaphragm with a Guided Plug
■ Accurate and stable regulation with smooth closing
■ Requires low actuation pressure
■ Prevents diaphragm erosion and distortion
■ Simple In-Line Inspection and Service

Typical Product Applications

Typical Applications
Lֺֺine Fill Up Control
Pֺֺressure Reducing Systems
Mֺֺultiple Independent Consumer Systems
Sֺֺystems Subject to Varying Supply Pressure
Mֺֺechanized Irrigation Systems
