Flow Control Valve IR-470-bKUZ
The BERMAD Flow Control Valve is a hydraulically operated, diaphragm actuated control valve that limits system demand to a constant preset maximum flow rate.
- Line Pressure Driven, Hydraulically Controlled
-Limits fill-up rate and consumer over-demand
- Advanced Globe Hydro-Efficient Design
-Unobstructed flow path
-Single moving part
-High flow capacity
- Fully Supported & Balanced Diaphragm
-Requires low opening and actuation pressure
-Excellent low flow regulation performance
-Progressively restrains valve closing
-Prevents diaphragm distortion
- Hydraulic Flow Sensor (upstream installation)
-No moving parts
-No need for flow straightening
- User-Friendly Design
-Easy pressure setting
-Simple in-line inspection and service
-Easy addition of control features
Typical Applications
- Multiple Independent Consumer Systems
- Line Fill-Up Control Solutions
- Systems Subject to Varying Supply Pressure
[1] BERMAD Model IR-470-bKUZ limits fill-up rate and system over-demand.
[2] BERMAD Relief Valve Model IR 43Q-R
[3] BERMAD Air Valve Model ARA-A-P-P
[4] BERMAD Vacuum Breaker Model ½”-ARV