Hydraulically operated, diaphragm actuated, off-line surge anticipating valve that immediately opens in response to the pressure drop associated with abrupt pump stoppage. The pre-opened valve dissipates the returning high pressure wave, eliminating the surge. The valve smoothly closes drip tight as quickly as the relief feature allows, thereby preventing closing surge. The valve also relieves excessive system pressure. The BERMAD 700 Series large size control valves are hydraulically operated, diaphragm actuated type. Unique hydro-dynamic globe valve design with a special open plug provides high flow capabilities. The valves are available in the standard configuration or with an Independent Check Feature code 2S.
Hֺydrodynamic wide globe valve body provides:
- Higher flow (Kv; Cv) than standard globe valves
- Higher resistance to cavitation damage
Iֺn-line serviceable
Vֺalves are suitable for working with all types of command:
Hydraulic, Electric and Pneumatic.
Sֺelf-operated valves that can work without an external source of power.
Wֺide range of options and accessories:
- One-way or two-way flow direction
- V-Port
- Cavitation cage
- Visual position indicator
- Limit switches
- Analog opening output
- Large selection of control accessories
- Double chamber actuation (700-M6)
- Large inspection and service ports (700-M5L)
Sֺolenoid control – 735-55-M-M5/M5L/M6
Qֺuick pressure relief valve – 73Q-M5/M5L/M6
Hֺydraulic/Electric override – 735-55-09-M-M5/M5L/M6
Iֺndependent Check Feature – 735-M-2S- M5/M5L/M6
See relevant BERMAD publication