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Pressure Management WW-9PM-MV
The BERMAD Model 9PM integrates a vertical turbine Woltman-type water meter with a diaphragm actuated hydraulic control valve. The 9PM is a Flow Compensated Pressure Reducing hydrometer that automatically and continuously optimizes downstream pressure, correlating valve setting with demand.
- Self contained hydro-mechanical
- Does not rely on electrical power supply
- Does not require additional pipeline accessories
- Integrated “All-in-One” Control Valve
- Saves space, cost and maintenance
- Internal Inlet & Outlet Flow Straighteners
- No need for flow straightening distances
- Maintains accuracy
- Simple design
- Does not require specialist commissioning
- Fits all “sites”
- V-Port throttling plug
- Very stable at low flow
- Increased valve travel
- Magnetic Drive with Sealed Register
- Water-free gear train mechanism
- Reed-switch and Opto pulse-generating modes
- Various pulse combinations
- In-line serviceable – Easy maintenance