MAGNETIC, LATCH SOLENOID with Hydraulic Base S-402-3W
The BERMAD Model S-402-3W-BB is a compact 3-Way Latching Solenoid pilot valve comprised of two main components: a solenoid and a 3-way hydraulic pilot valve. The BERMAD latching solenoid can control valves independently or in combination with other control circuit accessories. Model S-402-D-3W-BB consumes power only when switching positions, using a very short electric impulse. This prolongs life of batteries and enables solar recharging. The hydraulic base features a manual override and consists of a bracket for attaching to the valve or to a solenoid manifold.
Aֺֺdvanced Construction Materials, Unique Plastic Casing
- Proven pressure, voltage and weather resistance
- Highly durable in corrosive environments
- Protection Class- ip68; NEMA Type 6D
Sֺֺuperb Internal Design and Finish
- Reliable operation under dirt loaded water
Sֺֺhort Electrical Impulse Latch Activation
- Extremely low power consumption
- Low voltage battery operation
- Saves wires and infrastructures
- No coil heating
- Suites most Battery Operated Controllers on the market
- Applicable in solar activated systems
Hֺֺydraulic Base with Installation Bracket
- High flow capacity quickens valve response
- No dirt sedimentation inside solenoid actuator
- Manual override open and close
- Simple installation to valve or manifold
Rֺֺeliable and Durable Product that Bears the Stamp of BERMAD Quality
Sֺֺystems distanced from control center
Uֺֺnavailable power supply locations
Sֺֺolenoid controlled on/off valves
Sֺֺolenoid controlled pressure and flow control valves
Mֺֺultiple valve systems
Sֺֺolenoid manifolds in irrigation heads