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Combination Air Valve IR-C75
BERMAD C75 is a high quality combination air valve for a variety of water networks and operating conditions. It evacuates air during pipeline filling, allows efficient release of air pockets from pressurized pipes, and enables large volume air intake in the event of network draining. With its advanced aerodynamic design, double orifice and Surge Protection (Anti-slam / slow closing) device, this valve provides excellent protection again air accumulation, vacuum formation and pressure surges, with improved sealing in low pressure conditions. The valve minimizes water spraying during air release
- Sֺֺtraight flow body with higher than usual flow rates.
- Aֺֺerodynamic full-body kinetic shield: Prevents premature
closing without disturbing air intake or discharge. - Dֺֺynamic sealing: Prevents leakage under low pressure
conditions (1.5 psi; 0.1 bar). - Mֺֺinimizes water spraying during air release: Innovative
2-step function, automatic orifice (Patent Pending). - Tֺֺhree optional outlets (sideways, downwards, circular-surround
mushroom configuration) that can swivel 360°: - Easy to install in a variety of site conditions.
- Cֺֺompact, simple, robust and reliable structure with fully
corrosion-resistant parts: Lower maintenance and increased
life span. - Dֺֺesigned in compliance with functional standards
and water service standards. - Fֺֺactory approval and Quality Control: Performance and
specification tested and measured with specialized test
bench, including vacuum pressure conditions.
- Pֺֺumping stations and deep well pumps: Air relief, surge
protection and vacuum prevention. - Pֺֺipelines: Protection against air accumulation and vacuum
formation at elevations, slope change points and at
road / river crossings. - Wֺֺater networks: Protection against vacuum formation, surge
and water hammers at points likely to experience water
column separation