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Hydraulic Control Valve IR-205-Z
The BERMAD Hydraulic Control Valve is a hydraulically operated, diaphragm actuated control valve that opens and shuts in response to a local or remote pressure command.
Lֺֺine Pressure Driven, Hydraulically Controlled
- Hydraulically controlled On/Off
Pֺֺlastic Globe Hydro-Efficient Valve
- Unobstructed flow path
- Single moving part
- High flow capacity
- Highly durable, chemical and cavitation resistant
Uֺֺnitized Flexible Diaphragm and Guided Plug
- Excellent low flow regulation performance
- Prevents diaphragm erosion and distortion
Fֺֺully Supported & Balanced Diaphragm
- Requires low actuation pressure
Uֺֺser-Friendly Design
- Simple in-line inspection and service
- Cֺֺomputerized Irrigation Systems
- Dֺֺistribution Centers
- Sֺֺystems Subject to Varying Supply Pressure
- Lֺֺandscape