Adjustable Direct Acting Low Flow Pressure Reducer IR 1″-PRV-05
The BERMAD Adjustable Direct Acting Low Flow Pressure Reducer is actuated by a pressure responsive diaphragm, which seeks to reach equilibrium between hydraulic and set spring force. The BERMAD Model 1”-PRV-05 is built of reinforced plastic that endows it with excellent hydraulic performance capabilities and high mechanical strength. Supplied with a special throttling plug and elastomeric seal, it reduces higher upstream pressure to lower constant downstream pressure even under conditions of near zero demand.
- Advanced Construction Materials
- High mechanical strength
- Proven pressure, flow and weather resistance
- Adjustable Direct Acting Pressure Reducer
- Constant downstream pressure
- Immediate response
- Settable according to season and stage
- Plastic Body and Trim
- Highly durable, chemical and cavitation resistant
- Minimizes friction
- Unitized Rolling Diaphragm and Guided Plug
- Accurate and stable regulation
- Prevents diaphragm distortion
- User-Friendly Design
- Can be installed at any orientation
- Simple in-line inspection and service
Typical Applications
- Distribution Line Lateral Risers
- Non-Compensating Drip-Line Flow Fixation
- Lateral Final Burst Protection
- Pressure Reduction for Marginal Plots
[1] BERMAD Model 1”-PRV-05 protects laterals and compensates for line friction,
ensuring dripper flow per design.
[2] BERMAD Solenoid Controlled Valve Model IR-210-N-M
[3] BERMAD Vacuum Breaker Model ½”-ARV
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