Pressure Reducing Valve Double Chamber IR-120-DC-XZ
The BERMAD Model IR-120-DC-XZ Pressure Reducing Valve is a double chambered, hydraulically operated, diaphragm actuated control valve that reduces higher upstream pressure to lower constant downstream pressure and opens fully upon line pressure drop. The valve comprises two major components: The body and the actuator assembly. The actuator assembly consists of both an upper and a lower control chamber. The double chambered valve operation is independent of valve differential pressure. This develops maximum power, ensuring immediate valve response combined with inherent soft closing.
Lֺֺine pressure driven, Hydraulically Controlled
- Protects downstream systems
- Opens fully upon line pressure drop
Dֺֺouble chamber
- Full powered opening and closing
- Decreased pressure loss
- Low throttling noise
- Non-slam closing characteristic
- Protected diaphragm
Eֺֺngineered Plastic Valve with Industrial Grade Design
hֺֺYflow ‘Y’ Valve Body with “Look Through” Design
- Ultra-high flow capacity – Low pressure loss
Uֺֺser-Friendly Design
- Simple in-line inspection and service
- Pֺֺressure Reducing Stations
- Sֺֺystems Subject to Varying Supply Pressure
- Eֺֺnergy Saving Irrigation Systems