IR-100-DC Series IR-100-DC
The BERMAD IR-100-DC Series Valves are double chambered hydraulically operated valves which provide: Isolated and protected diaphragm, Stable and accurate regulation performances, Powered opening & closing, non-slam closing characteristic & decreased pressure loss (no spring). Double Chamber actuator assembly design consists of both upper and lower control chambers. Valves can easily be configured, on-site from single to double chamber control valve. The shaft sub assembly is center guided, providing an unobstructed seat area. IR-100-DC Series are now upgrading the best irrigation valves in the world to also be double chamber, available in the range: Oblique (Y) - 1½", 2", 2"L, 2½", 3"; Angle - 2", 3"; "T" & Double (D) "T" patterns - 3"
- Line Pressure Driven
- Double Chambered Design
- Requires low actuation pressure
- Quick and powerful closure with soft non slam seal
- Immediate response
- Protected diaphragm
- Near Zero Headloss
- User-Friendly Design
- Simple structure and maintenance
- Pilotless proportional pressure reducing
- Accurate, stable and immediate modulation
- Drip Systems
- Sprinklers & Micro-Sprinklers
- Greenhouses
- Flooding Tables Drainage (with External Pressure)
- Irrigation machine and distribution line Flush-‘N-Stop
- Downhill irrigation and Distribution lines
- Low flow and low pressure operations
- Serial pressure reducing